Philosophy of Cognitive Science:
PH 465/665
Thurs: 3:30-6:15
I. Evolution of Cognition and Culture
1. Introduction
Sept. 3
Introduction to the course
Background on human evolution
2. Henrich I
Sept. 10
Joseph Henrich - The Secret of Our Success Ch. 1-5
3. Henrich II
Sept. 17
Joseph Henrich - The Secret of Our Success Ch. 6-9
4. Henrich III
Sept. 24
Joseph Henrich - The Secret of Our Success Ch. 10-13
5. Henrich IV
Oct. 1
Joseph Henrich - The Secret of Our Success Ch. 14-17
6. Essay Workshop
Oct. 8
Essay 1 due: Friday, Oct. 9, 6:00 pm
II. Evolutionary Moral & Political Philosophy
7. Groupishness
Oct. 15
Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind Ch. 9-10
Scott Alexander - "I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup"
8. Epistemological Tribalism
Oct. 22
Dan Kahan - "Ideology, Motivated Reasoning, and Cognitive Reflection"
David Roberts - "Donald Trump and the Rise of Tribalist Epistemology"
Andrew Sullivan - "America Wasn't Built for Humans"
9. Evo-Conservatism
Oct. 29
Arnold Kling - "Cultural Intelligence"
David Goldhill - "How American Healthcare Killed My Father"
Allen Buchanan and Russell Powell - "Demoralization and the Evolution of Invalid Moral Norms"
10. The 2020 U.S. Election
Nov. 5
11. Social Moral Epistemology
Nov. 12
Elizabeth Anderson - The Imperative of Integration (selections)
Elizabeth Anderson - "Social Movements, Experiments in Living, and Moral Progress
12. Tribes, Societies, and Progress
Nov. 19
Victor Kumar and Richmond Campbell - A Better Ape, Preface, Introduction, Ch. 6-8
Nov. 26
13. Evo-Progressivism
Dec. 3
Victor Kumar and Richmond Campbell - A Better Ape, Ch. 9-10, Conclusion
14. Essay Workshop
Dec. 10
Essay 2 due: Friday, Dec. 11, 6:00pm
Photo by Daniel Star