Victor Kumar
Assistant Professor of Philosophy ~ Boston University ~ Mind & Morality Lab ~ Moral Psychology Research Group
I write about science and ethics. I'm interested in cognitive science, evolutionary theory, and how these fields reshape our understanding of individuals and societies. I teach and speak about feminism, philosophy of race, and social justice.
My book with Richmond Campbell, A Better Ape, was published by Oxford University Press in April 2022.
Download my CV
[email protected]
Photo by Meghan Nesmith
Assistant Professor of Philosophy ~ Boston University ~ Mind & Morality Lab ~ Moral Psychology Research Group
I write about science and ethics. I'm interested in cognitive science, evolutionary theory, and how these fields reshape our understanding of individuals and societies. I teach and speak about feminism, philosophy of race, and social justice.
My book with Richmond Campbell, A Better Ape, was published by Oxford University Press in April 2022.
Download my CV
[email protected]
Photo by Meghan Nesmith